Catholic Masses for Veterans

Well, in most parishes in the US, the books are now open! That is, each parish Mass Book for 2021 is ready to be filled. Anyone can ask that a Mass be said for the intention they want, usually for a deceased person. The person requesting the intentioned Mass makes a “stipend” donation that goes directly to the priest who celebrates the Mass. The usual donation is ten dollars for the Mass. Once it is scheduled, it is announced in the weekly parish bulletin for everyone to read and hopefully participate. The prime Masses that are grabbed up are Christmas and Easter. People stand in line in many parishes on the first day the Book is opened, to get the Masses they want on the day they want. It can get a little frantic.

For many years I have, without a lot of competition, paid the stipends and gotten the announced intentions for Memorial Day and Veterans Day. For Memorial Day my intention is for all deceased Veterans, which includes my Dad and five uncles. For Veterans Day my intention is for the intentions of all Veterans. That covers a lot of ground. You do not have to be a Catholic to reap the benefits of a Mass. Every Veteran is covered in those intentions, they are all prayed for. Somehow it means a lot more to me than a free cup of coffee at the local convenience store. It is believed that the Mass holds more grace than just about any other devotion or celebration in our Church. A Mass can get a lot of people through the pearly gates.

My own personal intention is that a Mass on Veteran’s Day and Memorial Day becomes something people have to stand in line for someday. It’s easy to do and I think that maybe those Masses for 2021 are still available in many parishes. So call up the parish office in any parish really, reserve those Masses and get the donation in. Then, next year, a better year, go to the Masses and pray for all our Veterans.

If you do this, shoot me an email at with your parish name and location. It would be nice to know. Thanks.


Christmas Novena


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